Waldorf Learning Support (WLS) is a three-year, part-time intensive program designed to train Waldorf teachers and professionals from related fields in learning support theory and practice. Completion of this 9-session program, all its assignments and mentoring earns the participant a certificate from WLS and the Arcturus Rudolf Steiner Education Program of Chicago. WLS will pick up where the Rudolf Steiner College Remedial Education Program is leaving off by graduating its twelfth cycle in August 2017. WLS aims to deepen the participant’s understanding of child development as foundational for learning, while offering training in practical pedagogical approaches supportive of everyday working with students of all ages in both classroom, small group and 1:1 settings. Initial courses in the WLS curriculum explore causes at the foundational level for individual learning challenges and how to address them. Important to this process is learning how the developmental situation of each student can be the guide in choosing pedagogically appropriate activities to address learning differences. More ...
Sophia Institute offers a variety of programs, courses, publications and other resources to anyone interested in Anthroposophy and Waldorf/Steiner inspired education. Currently there are students from all over the world enrolled in the Sophia Institute online courses. Sophia Institute publications are available worldwide. The Sophia Institute newsletter and blog provide insights and information concerning the work of Anthroposophical initiatives, Waldorf/Steiner Schools, the Camphill Movement, and related endeavors. More ...