Promotions and DiscountsPlease find our current promotions and discounts here. Promotions and discounts are available for a limited time and might be specific, have certain conditions and/or limitations. Please see details below.
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Gabriele Münter: Staffelsee in Autumn (1923)
Courses and Programs
20% off or 30% offGet 20% or 30% off tuition (prepaid/discounted rate). Get 20% off when you enroll in four Waldorf Teacher Training Individual Courses or Anthroposophy Courses. Receive 30% off when you enroll in five or more Waldorf Teacher Training Individual Courses or Anthroposophy Courses. To receive the promotional discounts enter the promo code 20/30%OFF in the comment section of the Sophia Institute enrollment form when enrolling.
30% off - when enrolling in four or more online art coursesWe offer a variety of online art courses. The online art courses offer a wonderful opportunity to practice or learn new skills. The courses may be used for self-development and inspiration, but also to acquire skills and ideas for teaching arts and crafts to others including children. Please note that we are offering the art courses at a promotional discount of 30% off for a limited time. To receive the promotional discounts enter the promo code 30%OFF in the comment section of the Sophia Institute enrollment form when enrolling.