WECAN is very excited to invite you to the second WECAN Birth to Three Conference in collaboration with Sophia’s Hearth. It will take place at Sophia's Hearth in Keene, NH beginning on the evening of November 10th through November 11th.
The Power of Play - Exploring the Science and Practice of Play in the First Three Years.
When we open our eyes to the value of free play, we see the role that self-initiated play activity has for the overall well-being and development of infants and toddlers.
Using the Piklerian perspective, we will delve into the topic of free play from birth to three and learn about play from the very beginning of infancy. Join us as we explore the relationship between early brain development and play and learn about the often-overlooked stages of free play in infants and toddlers. In addition to deepening our understanding of the value of free play from birth to 3 years, we will also explore the practical considerations necessary to support young children at play.
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The Power of Play - Exploring the Science and Practice of Play in the First Three Years.
When we open our eyes to the value of free play, we see the role that self-initiated play activity has for the overall well-being and development of infants and toddlers.
Using the Piklerian perspective, we will delve into the topic of free play from birth to three and learn about play from the very beginning of infancy. Join us as we explore the relationship between early brain development and play and learn about the often-overlooked stages of free play in infants and toddlers. In addition to deepening our understanding of the value of free play from birth to 3 years, we will also explore the practical considerations necessary to support young children at play.
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