Art of Teaching Waldorf Grades 1 - 8 for renewal or professional development. Please find a listing and description of the Waldorf Teacher Training/Art of Teaching Waldorf Grades individual courses here. These courses are of particular interest to teachers wanting to prepare for specific grades, for instance grade 4. Each course has a focus on one of the grades and includes lessons from the Waldorf Curriculum Courses 1 and 2, the Waldorf Methods/Reading and Math Courses 1, 2 and 3, and the Waldorf Methods/Sciences Courses 1, 2 and 3. More ...
Sophia Institute offers a variety of programs, courses, publications and other resources to anyone interested in Anthroposophy and Waldorf/Steiner inspired education. Currently there are students from all over the world enrolled in the Sophia Institute online courses. Sophia Institute publications are available worldwide. The Sophia Institute newsletter and blog provide insights and information concerning the work of Anthroposophical initiatives, Waldorf/Steiner Schools, the Camphill Movement, and related endeavors. More ...