New Videos on "Music for the Young Child" a 3-video set: "Kinderharp / Kinderlyre," "Mood of the Fifth" and "Music for the Young Child, Grade 1." All three for only $25! Learn more or order here. Featured Video: "KinderHarp/KinderLyre" (56 min.) New from LifeWays and the Association for Waldorf Music Education (AWME) with Sheila Johns (AWME) and Bianca Lara, Director of the LifeWays Training in San Diego. This video will get you started with your kinderlyre and expand your ability to use it with children from birth through age six. Learn how to string and then tune your kinderlyre as a practice in developing listening and sensitivity to pitch. Holding the lyre and fingering are demonstrated to produce free tones, progressing from using single tones or streaming with simple songs; Johns uses a Choroi kinderharp, but her demonstrations can be adapted to other models. She also demonstrates using fifths when tuning or accompanying songs and how to use both hands to play more advanced songs. The kinderlyre can support you in your sensitivity to tone, in your singing, and in creating songs for your children. Bianca provides examples from how she has used the kinder lyre throughout the year, including how she uses it to prepare the space in her LifeWays program, to support her singing with the children, and to help with naptime. A valuable video for beginners and those who have had a kinderharp for a long time! The set includes two more bonus videos for Waldorf teachers and homeschoolers: "Mood of the Fifth," with Sheila Johns (1hr.19min.)provides a detailed explanation of the pentatonic scale, where the notes come from and why it is especially suited to children before the 9-year change. "Music for the Young Child, Grade 1" with Andrea Lyman, President of AWME (55 minutes). The first half of this video presents a singing and movement circle as it would be done with a first grade class. The second half is a discussion of music and how it progresses from the mood of the fifth in first grade to the more familiar diatonic scale by the end of third grade. Learn more or order here.
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