Hawthorne Valley Center for Social Research is carrying on the five-year tradition of Credere Fund micro grants initiated by Think OutWord. The next round of Credere micro grants will support individual and group initiatives that foster the development of innovative ways to express and employ empathy in personal, institutional, and community life, with an initial focus on people and projects in the Northeast United States. Projects may be in the fields of Art, Education, Therapy, Group Facilitation, Agriculture and Food Supply Systems, and/or Local or Regional Politics. Letters of inquiry (LOIs) are due December 15. Find out more.... The Biodynamic Association is pleased to be a matching grant sponsor for the Agriculture and Food Supply Systems field.
Sophia Institute offers a variety of programs, courses, publications and other resources to anyone interested in Anthroposophy and Waldorf/Steiner inspired education. Currently there are students from all over the world enrolled in the Sophia Institute online courses. Sophia Institute publications are available worldwide. The Sophia Institute newsletter and blog provide insights and information concerning the work of Anthroposophical initiatives, Waldorf/Steiner Schools, the Camphill Movement, and related endeavors. More ...