Dear Friends, we are happy to announce this year's "Christmas Webinars": The Foundation Stone and its Rhythms --- November 29th and December 6th , 7 PM CT. This theme concerned us already in October at the Kolisko Annual Conference which was held in Wisconsin. The fundamental question worked on was: to come closer to the reason why the FS meditation was given by Rudolf Steiner in connection with re-founding of the Society. We often hear it said that R. Steiner "connected himself with the Society"...we take that in stride and go on with our lives. But how and why? What is its esoteric basis? What beings does it connect to? What are the "signs" given by him right in the meditation that he is connected with this mantra? Why was he hesitant to even publish the meditation until January of 1924? And hugely important-and not much considered- why did he undertake the huge effort to show this meditation in eurythmy form already by Easter of 1924? Finally: why should we incorporate the FS and especially its eurythmy into our daily practices? The participants in October were deeply moved by many new aspects and we hope to make some of those ideas available also to those who couldn't attend. (Of course there will be some new considerations that have been worked with more recently. The subject is after all living, and the presentation will need to adapt to the medium, but with some good will we will succeed in showing how we can be united ever more through this central impulse of Rudolf Steiner's.) The format will be somewhat different this year. We will present two webinars, each about two hours long- with a short break between hours. The webinars are meant to also be a fundraising event for our anthroposophical Kolisko research so that a cost of $40 for both is asked for at the time of registration. We certainly would appreciate it if to the extent possible each listener would contribute more- their finances permitting. Now more than ever we anthroposophists need to be united and this will be possible only through a deepened understanding and experience of the esoteric of Rudolf Steiner's (and our) Anthroposophy. For more details and to register, please click here. Thank you for participating, for the Kolisko Team, Ross Rentea MD
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