Your sponsoring supports Waldorf teachers all over the world. Your financial help enables us to publish professional papers and information as well as impulses by experts. We are the only platform which is available in three languages and cooperates with every major Waldorf organisation. Our readers are teachers, professionals, school directors, parents, students and other interested people who work in Waldorf schools, early childhood education and teacher education centres worldwide. As a sponsor you will benefit from the integration of your logo in our website and newsletter. This opens up a new international audience for your product. Our newsletter is published 2-3x per annum in German, English and Spanish ... more ...
Sophia Institute offers a variety of programs, courses, publications and other resources to anyone interested in Anthroposophy and Waldorf/Steiner inspired education. Currently there are students from all over the world enrolled in the Sophia Institute online courses. Sophia Institute publications are available worldwide. The Sophia Institute newsletter and blog provide insights and information concerning the work of Anthroposophical initiatives, Waldorf/Steiner Schools, the Camphill Movement, and related endeavors. More ...