In 1911 Rudolf Steiner lectured in Prague and on that occasion met with a certain writer who wrote the following about this meeting: "My Visit to Dr. Steiner. In his room I try to show my humility, which I cannot feel, by seeking out a ridiculous place for my hat ... Table in the middle, I sit facing the window, he on the left side of the table ... I push on with my prepared address: I feel that a great part of my being is striving toward theosophy, but at the same time I have the greatest fear of it. That is to say, I am afraid it will result in a new confusion which would be very bad for me, because even my present unhappiness consists only of confusion. This confusion is as follows: My happiness, my abilities, and every possibility of being useful in any way have always been in the literary field. And here I have, to be sure, experienced states (not many) which in my opinion correspond very closely to the clairvoyant states described by you ... "
Who was this writer who met with Rudolf Steiner in 1911?
As always, the answer to the Anthro-Riddle™ will be published in the next Sophia Institute newsletter ...
Who was this writer who met with Rudolf Steiner in 1911?
As always, the answer to the Anthro-Riddle™ will be published in the next Sophia Institute newsletter ...