Dear Friends, I hope you and your families are well and somehow enjoying this special time we are in. It would be nice if we can share with each other what projects relevant to puppetry and storytelling you may have been working on ... I will start us off by sharing two things: The first is a newly republished book for young children about the Maypole: A Maypole Dream. And the second is a short finger and table puppet show I put together for sharing with young families through Camp Hello Bello (check them out through google and apply to share something yourselves if interested!). You can find it on my website Meanwhile, we are all waiting to see what will happen to the East Coast Puppetry and Storytelling Conference which was scheduled for the end of July at Hawthorne Valley. May the magic of creating and sharing bring you and others increased joy and peace. With warm greetings, Marjorie
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