The Riddle of Destiny: A Study of the Biographies of Key Characters in Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Dramas with Marke Levene at Center for Anthroposophy in Wilton, New Hampshire (USA). Rudolf Steiner has given us remarkable inner guidance by which to explore the nature of our relationships in this lifetime and to gain a clearer understanding of how these relationships evolve over multiple lifetimes. The first artistic exploration of these ideas came during annual summer festivals in Munich, Germany between 1910 and 1913 in the form of plays arising from spiritual ideas, among them the work of Edouard Schure. Rudolf Steiner wrote four Mystery Dramas for these festivals: The Portal of Initiation, The Soul’s Probation, The Guardian of the Threshold, and The Soul’s Awakening. In later years he further elaborated on the themes depicted in these dramas through lectures on “Karmic Relationships.” In our workshop we will explore the mystery plays by looking at the biographies of some of the key characters. Our tools will be a combination of Speech Formation exercises, Eurythmy, and basic principles of theater. We will plan at the end of the conference to present some portions of scenes from the plays. Previous experience or skill in theater production will not be expected. We will work in a genuine community way to bring out aspects of what lives in these dramas. Marke Levene, orphaned at birth, was adopted by parents who worked in Hollywood; from age 5 to 19 he was a leading child and teenage character actor. Marke found anthroposophy in his early 20s, became a eurythmist, and created the company Portal Productions, which toured the mystery dramas in the 1980s and 1990s. The New World Symphony Eurythmy tour was his initiative. He founded the children's products company Enchantmints. He has been a member of the Council of Anthroposophical Organizations (CAO) for the past 12 years. More ...
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