In order to deepen and complete the study of the Essential Nature of the Human Being, please engage in some independent research concerning this subject, and create a final paper/research project.
Please choose a subject or study that is of particular interest to you, and create a scholarly paper/research project documenting your research and findings.
For instance research how other educational, non-Waldorf methods based, or pedagogical approaches and theories relate to the four-fold human being. Or base your research on your own observations in a Waldorf kindergarten or preschool and show how the activities and curriculum address the four-fold nature of the human being, etc.
"Theosophy" by Rudolf Steiner (Table of Contents)
Table of Contents: Preface Preface to the Revised English Edition Introduction Chapter 1. The Essential Nature of Man 1. The Corporeal Nature of Man 2. The Soul Nature of Man 3. The Spiritual Nature of Man 4. Body, Soul and Spirit Chapter 2. Re-embodiment of the Spirit and Destiny Chapter 3. The Three Worlds 1. The Soul World 2. The Soul in the Soul World After Death 3. The Spiritland 4. The Spirit in Spiritland After Death 5. The Physical World and its Connection with the Soul and Spiritland 6. Thought Forms and the Human Aura Chapter 4. The Path of Knowledge
Guidelines for Writing a Scientific (Scholarly) Paper
An effective scientific paper should include and reflect genuine research and should be presented in the following format:
A. Abstract/Summary: An abstract or summary is a succinct (one paragraph) summary of the entire paper. The abstract should briefly describe the question posed in the paper, the methods used to answer this question the results obtained, and the conclusions. It should be possible to determine the major points of a paper by reading the abstract. Although it is located at the beginning of the paper, it is easiest to write the abstract after the paper is completed.
B. Introduction: The Introduction should describe the question tested by the experiments or research described in the paper, and explain why this is an interesting or important question, further describe the approach used in sufficient detail that a reader who is not familiar with the technique will understand what was done and why, and finally very briefly mention the conclusion of the paper.
C. Materials and Methods: The Materials and Methods section should succinctly describe what was actually done. It should include description of the techniques used so someone could figure out what experiments or research were actually done. The details of a published protocol do not need to be reproduced in the text but an appropriate reference should be cited – e.g., simply indicate “were done as described by Hughes et al. (4).” Any changes from the published protocol should be described. It is not appropriate to indicate volumes of solutions added – instead indicate the relevant information about the experiment or research such as methods used, etc.
D. Results: Begin each paragraph with an opening sentence that tells the reader what question is being tested in the experiments or research described in that paragraph.
E. Conclusion: The conclusion should be the final chapter and include a summary of the results and conclusions reached concerning the research project.
F. Table of Content: A table of content should be included either at the beginning of the paper (preferable) or t the end of the paper. The table of content should clearly list the different chapters and titles thereof, abstract, introduction, citations, etc.
G. Illustrations and Images: Depending on the subject matter, illustrations and images should be included with the different chapters of the paper.
H. Resources: A listing of citations, quotes and sources including literature used should be placed at the end of the paper.
Course Outline / WCENHB
Lesson 1: The Essential Nature of the Human Being/Body, Soul and Spirit/Theosophy/Chapter 1 (I., II., III.) Lesson 2: The Essential Nature of the Human Being/Physical Body, Etheric Body, Astral Body and Ego/Theosophy/Chapter 1 (IV. Part 1) Lesson 3: Body, Soul and Spirit/Life Phases/Theosophy/Chapter 1 (IV. Part 2) Lesson 4: Reflection and Final Paper
Recommended reading: "Theosophy" by Rudolf Steiner "Phases" by Bernard Lievegoed
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