online Art Courses
online Art of Form Drawing Art Course / 1 credit
As far as we know, Rudolf Steiner gave indications for form drawing on three occasions. Each time he presented new elements out of which with some imagination one could build a structure of teaching material for the first five elementary grades - to the moment when the actual teaching of geometry begins. His indications illuminate entirely different aspects of form drawing, but these do not exclude one another. One should study them together, then one realizes that they do supplement one another. Rudolf Steiner gave the first elements of form drawing in 1919 in Stuttgart. in his basic courses for teachers he spoke for the first time about form drawing and described it as a means of educating the temperaments. With the participants. who were to be the teachers of the first Waldorf School. he worked out forms and colors for the various temperaments and led each of these over into its opposite. Rudolf Steiner suggests that on the very first day of school the teacher should have the children do certain color exercises, also have them draw a straight line and a curved line on the blackboard. He stresses the value, the pedagogical importance, of this exercise. This simple line drawing and its repetition the next day make a lasting impression upon the children. From the point of view of form drawing it is noteworthy that Rudolf Steiner lays out at once from the very beginning, for the children to create and experience, the two polaric principles of form: the straight, radiating line and the curved line, the first as an expression of thinking, the second as an expression of the will, seen from the point of view of the soul. Learn Form Drawing via this online course.
Supplies needed:
Supplies needed:
- Pencils (black/colored/soft - good quality such as Staedtler or Lyra)
- Sketchpad (9" x 12", medium weight/65 lb., good quality such as Canson)
online Art of Form Drawing Art Course / 1 credit
Lesson 1: Simple Forms/Mirrored Forms
Lesson 2: Symmetrical Forms
Lesson 3: Simple Symbolic Forms
Lesson 4: Advanced Symbolic Forms
Lesson 5: Planetary Seals
Lesson 2: Symmetrical Forms
Lesson 3: Simple Symbolic Forms
Lesson 4: Advanced Symbolic Forms
Lesson 5: Planetary Seals