Garden House Waldorf School is located in the heart of Clearwater Bay, next to Silverstrand Beach, and offers a Waldorf curriculum for children aged 1-12 years old. It all began in 2008 when Garden House Waldorf Kindergarten first laid its foundation in this building. In 2021, when there were wishes from the community to form a Waldorf primary school, after much considerations we have decided to build a wider community, preparation of the birth of primary started then. Our commitment to a holistic education extends beyond the classroom and includes our 10,000 square feet of farmland, which is an essential part of our educational program. More ...
Sophia Institute offers a variety of programs, courses, publications and other resources to anyone interested in Anthroposophy and Waldorf/Steiner inspired education. Currently there are students from all over the world enrolled in the Sophia Institute online courses. Sophia Institute publications are available worldwide. The Sophia Institute newsletter and blog provide insights and information concerning the work of Anthroposophical initiatives, Waldorf/Steiner Schools, the Camphill Movement, and related endeavors. More ...